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Lobby to end: unsubcribe MSGs

In order to reduce 
Could the *list owner* please add information to the 
"RFC822 Header" as per the following other e-mail list 

Received: <deleted>
Received: from <deleted>
Received: (from majordom@localhost) <deleted>
Date: Tue, <deleted>
Message-Id: <deleted>
Precedence: bulk
X-Warning:    <deleted>
X-Disclaimer: <deleted> is an unofficial list run in a DoD school environment
 in the interest of an academic exchange of information and ideas as a means
 for advancement of <blah blah...>
X-Information: For information on SUBJECT_REALM (such as how to post messages
 and unsubscribe) send "info SUBJECT_REALM" in the body of a message to:
 <majordomo@<deleted>>.  <===========N O T E !!!
